The loaves that I posted pictures of last weekend were for an SCA Event I was attending. If you don't know what the SCA is, try this link...
The Society for Creative Anachronism
The event was called MudThaw and is held yearly, as a celebration of the coming of spring time. And there was a baking contest.
This is the loaf that I entered:
Here was my display:
And here is what the loaf looked like when we sliced it open:
The recipe is the one from several post ago.
300 grams of stater - 100 grams of sourdough, 100 grams of stone-ground whole wheat flour and 100 grams of water, mixed well and allowed to sit on the counter overnight and then refrigerated.
560 grams of sifted stone-ground whole wheat flour
40 grams of stone-ground whole rye flour
340 grams of water
13 grams of salt
3 grams of yeast
Hydration level was 58.66 percent.
The long and the short of it, I won. My prize was a lovely scroll, made by a dear friend of mine.
The text reads, "On this feast day of Saint Callinica and Saint Bassilica, that is the 22nd day of the month of March, the very best bakers of the East Kingdom assembled in the Barony of Settmour Swamp. They were challenged to bake their very best bread: one that would benefit for their King and Queen, and Prince and Princell. All were worthy and valient, but one surpassed all others. And so, for the Anno Societatis XLIII, the winner of the bread baking competition, the champion of the noble dough, the subjugator of the yeast is: Lord John Marshall atte Ford"
Sorry I missed a week. See you next time.